Dallas Bunker

Software Engineer

About Dallas

Dallas is a professional Software Engineer with seven years of experience specializing in creating large scale websites with Adobe Experience Manager.

He is skilled in problem-solving, and mentoring others within his teams. He's been an integral part of many amazing projects for great clients, including Stanford Health Care, Walmart, and Korn Ferry. 

The constant problem solving and changing landscape of software engineering is at the top of the list when it comes to what keeps Dallas excited to come to work every day. 

Dallas always comes highly recommended and others always look forward to any project where they get to work with him.

Specialties include:

  • Familiar with Java, JS & JS frameworks
  • AEM, Object-Oriented Programming concepts
  • Knowledgeable in team management
  • Vast skill set in ability to serve up dynamic content

Something fun:

Like most software developers, Dallas enjoys video games, but he's also very interested in creating things and art. He's hoping to be able to build a shop soon so he can pursue his love of tinkering from getting into woodworking, metalworking, and possibly do some restoration projects down the line.

Dallas on Linkedin


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