5 Ways to Use the AEM & Workfront Integration

Optimize operational efficiency

Improve accuracy by reducing manual labor

Expedite content releases

Many businesses have invested in Adobe Workfront and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to help track and manage their workflows and deliver custom experiences on their websites; however, what many organizations don’t realize is that these two platforms can be integrated, working together to optimize your work processes and make your team more efficient. 

By integrating Workfront with AEM, you can help reduce work redundancies, maximize your productivity with cross-platform automations, and simplify asset management and version control. In our on-demand webinar, Adam Driggs, VP of Solutions at Hoodoo Digital, walks you through how this integration can help improve productivity at multiple levels in your organization.

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5 Ways to Use the AEM + Workfront Integration

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Alright, so let’s go ahead and get started. Hello everybody, and thank you for joining us for today’s webinar, 5 Ways to Use the AEM + Workfront Connector. My name is Kim Melton, and I’m going to be your moderator for today’s webinar. Now, we will be posting this presentation and the Q&A online. So if you’d like to go back and reference it, maybe you’re going to miss part of it, maybe you’d like to share it with your colleagues, we’ll send you an email with a link to the on-demand presentation. 

Finally, I’d like to tell you a little bit about us here at Hoodoo. We are a digital consultancy that specializes in helping organizations implement Adobe Experience Cloud technologies. We also create custom digital solutions to help businesses maximize their ROI in their technology stacks.

With that, I’ll hand it over to Adam Driggs, our Vice President of Solutions, to start the presentation.

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Welcome everybody! Today we are going to be talking about Adobe Workfront and Adobe Experience Manager and how we’ve integrated the two solutions. 

I’ve been helping organizations implement and utilize these two products for several years now. My team at Hoodoo has been working with Adobe over the last three years to connect the platforms. I have an intimate knowledge of both solutions and helped build the connector we’ll be demonstrating today. I’m really excited to share the great work our team has done. With that said let’s jump into the presentation.

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Adobe Workfront is a work management application that helps organizations manage the entire lifecycle of work in a single location. Workfront provides users with the ability to manage projects, assign tasks, issues, requests, and even resources. With the help of project templates, approval workflows, and custom forms your organization can standardize processes and establish governance. You can leverage Workfront’s custom report builder to calculate costs, hours, alignment, and risk for each of your projects. Additionally, Adobe offers the Workfront Fusion platform to easily connect with other software applications.

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Adobe Experience Manager, most often referred to as AEM or Experience Manager, is Adobe’s content management system geared toward creating personalized digital experiences. AEM is designed to enable users (mainly marketers and IT professionals) to create, edit, manage, and optimize content, assets, and forms across different digital channels.

Adobe Experience Manager has core functionality that spans across each of the toolsets. These include a tag management system, integrations with Adobe Sensei, a workflow engine, tools for monitoring the health of the infrastructure, and a whole lot more. AEM can be self-hosted or hosted with Adobe utilizing Adobe Managed Services, or AEM as a Cloud Service. For today’s presentation we’ll be focusing on AEM Sites and AEM Assets

Sites: AEM Sites is the content management system within Adobe Experience Manager that gives you one place to create, manage and deliver personalized digital experiences across websites, mobile, and on-site screens. Part of the features of AEM Sites is OOTB core components, experience fragments, and editable templates for building custom web pages that bring greater time-to-value.

Assets: AEM Assets is an industry-leading digital asset management solution that can store and distribute a wide variety of digital assets. You can create custom metadata schemas, automatically tag assets using Adobe Sensei smart tagging, customize search forms, share and distribute assets using Brand Portal and much more. Additionally, AEM Assets easily integrates with Adobe Creative Cloud to help AEM Content Authors work together with creative teams, streamlining collaboration in the creative process.

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Adobe Workfront is a work management application that helps organizations manage the entire lifecycle of work in a single location. Workfront provides users with the ability to manage projects, assign tasks, issues, requests, and even resources. With the help of project templates, approval workflows, and custom forms your organization can standardize processes and establish governance. You can leverage Workfront’s custom report builder to calculate costs, hours, alignment, and risk for each of your projects. Additionally, Adobe offers the Workfront Fusion platform to easily connect with other software applications.

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The bulk of this webinar today is to demonstrate several of the ways in which you can use the AEM and Workfront Integration. For each of the different use cases I’ll give brief descriptions of the functionality I’ll be demoing. I’ve prerecorded the demos to ensure we don’t have any issues with internet connectivity. Let’s take a look at the first use case now.

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We’re going to kick things off with Project Linked folders. Many organizations use Workfront to organize their projects into logical taxonomies. This feature allows you to maintain structural continuity between Workfront Projects and Adobe Experience Manager. Our next demonstration shows how this is can be done.

Demo 1 Project Linked Folders

A Workfront Project is a representation of work broken down into smaller tasks, issues, and/or requests. Each work item can be assigned to users or teams responsible for their completion. During the planning phase of the project, a project manager can set projected completion dates, planned hours, item dependencies, and a whole lot more. Projects can be organized into parent portfolios for grouping similar projects. You can also create programs inside a portfolio to further organize your projects.

In this demonstration, we’ve built a project that will be managing the work required to create new imagery for our website team to be used in an upcoming blog post. The Project belongs to the WKND Site Portfolio (a fictitious Lifestyle Brand Website) and the Blog Posts program. You’ll see in the Project Details tab information about the work being requested. The details captured here will be synced to AEM when our project linked folder is created. The goal is to create an AEM Folder that is a representation of the Workfront project where we can store all the project deliverables including final and source files.

For the Project Linked Folder demonstration, we are going to focus on two key areas of a Workfront Project:

First the Project Status: The project status is used to identify the project’s current stage of development at a given time. Project statuses are most often manually updated by the project manager and typically start in the planning phase. It’s during this phase that a project manager can update task assignments, planned durations and fill in all the necessary project details prior to notifying the project participants of items needing their attention.

Next, we are going to be looking at th
e Documents Tab: the documents tab in Workfront provides a drop or upload zone where any supporting documents or project deliverables can be added. In this example, we will be uploading our final web imagery for the blog post to the linked AEM folder. Let's demonstrate the creation of a project linked folder now.

I’ve configured the Workfront Connector in AEM to listen for the project status to be changed to “Confirmed” to signal the creation of the linked AEM folder. I’ve configured the linked folders to create a parent  folder based on the portfolio name, next a sub folder of that portfolio to the program blog post, and finally the folder for the project that will take the name of the project and use that as the folder name in AEM. It’s during this time that a folder will be created (GO TO AEM to Show EMPTY FOLDER) here in AEM, the project details will be synced to the AEM folder properties and the folder will appear in the documents tab in the Workfront Project. (Show the folder properties in AEM).

Let's go ahead and change the status of this from "Planning" to "Confirmed," and then let's jump over to AEM and look at where those  linked folders are going to be created.So you'll see here I have an empty Workfront project link folder created this is where that portfolio, program and then project folder will be created. Let's go ahead and refresh AEM now to see that creation. 

You'll see here in the Workfront projects parent folder. We have the portfolio for WKND Site, the program folder for blog posts, and finally the project folder, and two sub folders for source and final files. If you view the properties of the project folder in AEM and look at the folder metadata, you'll see project name from Workfront, reference number, and project ID, and several of the fields from the custom form in the project details tab in Workfront.

Let's jump back to Workfront now, and refresh the Documents tab. And here we should see the projects folder sent back to the Documents tab, providing an area in Workfront to drag and drop our final deliverables for this project. Which will be pushed to AEM along with the metadata.

The Project linked Folder feature is highly customizable. Let me show you the different configuration options available for creating linked AEM folders. Here in AEM, we're looking at the Workfront Tools configuration, and specifically, the project linked folder set up. The first option you''ll see here is the linked folder parent path. This is the path where I can select where all my project folders will get created in AEM. Next I have the linked folder structure. In the previous example I demonstrated a portfolio program and project name set up. I can customize this to be just the project name, as well as pointing at a custom form field in my Workfront project like the requesting group.

In this example it will take the value found in the requesting group custom form field and use that as the first folder in my folder structure, and then put the project folder beneath the Requesting Group folder. Next I have the option to add multiple sub folders under my project folder. I can add creation conditions for when those subfolders should get created, I have the ability to select which project status will signal those folders to get created. In the previous example, I have this set to "Confirmed." However, I can map the status to any of the out of the box Workfront project statuses or even any of the custom statuses I've created in my Workfront environment.  Then I can set which portfolios the project linked folders should be created under. In this example I have it just creating under the WKND site portfolio. This is useful as not all of your Workfront users will require project linked folders to be created.

Then I can also set additional creation conditions for the project linked folders as well under here. And lastly I have the ability to add multiple linked folder configurations, where different business units can use different linked folder set ups for their needs.

I’m often asked: What if a project status is changed after the linked folder gets created?  For example, if I changed the status from "Confirmed" to "In Progress," will that ruin our linked folders? The answer is no. Once the linked folders have been created, a change of status has no impact to the project linked folders.


I am also often asked: What if I would like to link an existing AEM folder into my project? You can do that by going to "Add New", selecting your AEM integration, and then you can search through your AEM repository and link any of the existing folders - even folders that were created through the project linked folder set up.

In summary, the key advantages of using Project Linked Folders are: Automation and governance for building your AEM Assets folder structure which reduces errors and maintains organized folders and taxonomies. Flexible configuration options and creation conditions allowing teams to map technology to existing workflows reducing the need for major change management. Improve your content velocity by providing an organized and searchable repository of your creative assets.

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Why is metadata important? Let’s start by talking about the power of metadata and why Metadata matters! I often say, your Digital Asset Management solution is only as good as the metadata you capture for each asset. Metadata can improve your DAM ROI by unlocking the potential to ingest, discover, share, distribute and even track assets. 

So how does the Workfront Connector for AEM improve the capture of metadata? Well the Workfront Connector for AEM enables organizations to automatically synchronize metadata across Workfront projects, issues, tasks, and documents. You can easily map metadata properties using AEM’s Metadata Schema builder and even send AEM properties back to Workfront using AEM Workflow Models. Let’s play the demo now.

Demo 2 Metadata Syncing 

Let’s demonstrate how metadata can be synced between Workfront and AEM. I’m going to upload an asset into my linked AEM folder in Workfront. I’ve configured the connector to grab several of the Workfront Project details when an asset is uploaded and include that as metadata alongside the asset. For example, I’ve mapped all the details found HERE in the custom Project form.

I’ve also configured the connector to automatically attach a document custom form to the asset in Workfront and send several AEM properties back to Workfront to highlight the connector’s ability to send metadata in both directions. In this example, you’ll see a direct link to the Asset URL in AEM that has been sent back to Workfront. Giving the Workfront user a quick link to ensure the asset and metadata were correctly uploaded to AEM.

Let’s jump over to AEM and see the metadata now. You’ll see here in the project details tab all the metadata we’ve captured from both the project overview and custom forms like Project Reference Number, Initiative and Requesting group. In the Asset Details tab you’ll see metadata captured from the document object in Workfront. We’ve enabled the ability to capture the asset details by automatically attaching a document custom form to the document object in Workfront after the asset has been uploaded to AEM. We also have the ability to listen for updates to the asset metadata in Workfront and update AEM accordingly. For example, If I add a description to the asset in Workfront AEM will listen for the change and update accordingly. 

Let’s take a look at how easy it is to configure the metadata syncing between Workfront and AEM. We’ll start by creating a new custom form field in Workfront on my document details custom form. Some of the photography assets need to go through bi-annual or annual review cycle, so I’m going to add a new field for an Asset Review Cycle. Next, I’ll create the corresponding field in AEM using the metadata schema builder. You’ll see here in AEM there is a drop-down that contains all of my custom fields in Workfront giving me the ability to map this field with the newly created field from Workfront.

Now let’s test our new field to ensure it was properly mapped. Now that we’re automatically capturing this metadata here are some of the ways it improves searchability.  By capturing all of our Workfront information alongside our assets in AEM, users can easily find, share, distribute and create meaningful reports on the assets in our repository.

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Locating the current version or previous versions of an asset can be a painstaking task. You may have several assets uploaded to the same folder with slight variations in font, headlines, or logos. It’s often unclear which of these assets is the latest approved version for use. During the review and approval process, an asset may go through several iterations before it’s finally approved. Also, an existing asset may have out-of-date branding or copy. So how can we use Workfront, the connector, and AEM to provide a version control to ensure the latest and approved asset is easy to find and share. This demo will show you how this can be executed.

Demo 3 Version Control

In the advanced configuration tab of the Workfront connector, you have the option to store an asset within a folder as a version of an existing asset and leverage AEM’s OOTB version control features. The asset name must match in order for the asset to version properly. For example, if I upload an asset into my linked project folder and the asset’s filename is “hiking.jpg” and there is an existing asset named, “hiking.jpg” within the same project folder, it will create a new version of the existing asset. Let’s demonstrate that now.

I’m uploading an asset for the first time into my linked project folder. AEM should have created the initial version for this asset upon upload. Any change made to the asset in AEM including changes made to the metadata will automatically create a new version. Let’s look at the current version history in AEM now. 

In this example, you’ll see two versions of the asset upon initial upload. Version 1.0, is the asset version prior to the Connector updating the asset metadata through the metadata syncing feature. Then we have the Current Version, this is the most recent version of the asset including the metadata updates. 

Now let’s upload a new grayscale version of the same asset with the same file name through the linked project folder in Workfront and check the version history in AEM. You’ll see that we have a new version of the existing asset in AEM and we can compare previous versions against the current version and even revert to a previous version.

Utilizing the version control capabilities allows you to manage and track each version of the asset from a central location. By aggregating all iterations in a single location it’s easy to view an asset’s version history, how the asset has changed over time, and most importantly it gives you the reassurance that you are using the most recent and approved version of the asset.

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Up to this point in the demonstration we’ve explored the ways we can use the connector to sync digital assets like images from Workfront to AEM, but what about the actual copy for the web page. In the next part of the demo we are going to show you how we can use Workfront Custom forms to create Content Fragments in AEM. For those of you unfamiliar with AEM Content Fragments, think of them as reusable, content, composed of elements like text, dates, and/or references. Content fragments can be utilized in AEM Sites as well as 3rd party marketing channels via the AEM Assets API or exported in a JSON format. Each channel owner can layout and design the content fragment as they choose, but the idea is to own and manage the approved content in a centralized repository just like our image assets. We’ve put together an example of how this could be implemented in the next demo.

Demo 4 Content Fragments

In this demonstration we will show how a copy editor can add text for a blog post to a Workfront task and automatically create a Content Fragment in AEM. We’ll then show how easy it is for an AEM Site Author to find the Content Fragment when building the page. 

Let’s start at the Workfront project. You’ll see that I have a task assigned to provide copy for the Blog Post. Let’s open the task and look at the custom form fields we’ll be populating in order to create the content fragment in AEM. The first field you’ll see in the Custom Form is the Project Reference number, this can be used by the AEM Site author to quickly locate the correct Content Fragment in AEM while authoring the page. I’ll highlight this later in the demonstration. Then we have an “Author” and “Body” fields for storing the author’s name and the actual copy of the blog post.

Let’s populate these fields now…..At this point you could utilize an additional status or subtask to have another copy editor review the content prior to submitting to AEM. We’ll keep things simple for now and change the status of this task to Complete. The change in status will signal to AEM that it’s time to create the Content Fragment based on details entered here in the Workfront Custom form. 

Jumping over to AEM we can see the folder where the new content fragment will be created. If I refresh the page a new content fragment has been added to the DAM and can now be used on the AEM Sites page or other downstream marketing channels. 

Let’s open the content fragment now and show how you can adjust styles and format once in AEM if needed. I’m going to play the role of the AEM Site Author now to demonstrate how we can use the content fragment and any image asset that was synced from Workfront in the creation of the blog post. 

Here in the AEM Sites editor I can search for all asset types using any of the metadata fields that were synced from Workfront. For example, let's search for an image using the Workfront Project Reference number and add that to the blog page. Next, let's search for the Content Fragment we just created using the same project Reference Number. 

Now I can utilize the OOTB functionality of AEM Content Fragments like display mode and specify a particular element of the content fragment to use on my blog post. In this example, we’ll just use the Body.

By using Workfront to manage the task and approvals for content creation and synchronizing the content to AEM we can streamline business processes without having to train a copy editor on new technologies like AEM sites. AEM acts as an orchestration tool that centralizes all of our content into a single source of truth that can now be used across many of our different marketing channels.

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Aside from project linked folders, content fragment creation, metadata and comment syncing. The connector also provides several options for cross-functional automation between the two platforms. The connector utilizes the OOB AEM Workflow engine to automatically update project status in Workfront, attach a custom form to any WF object type, and even automate publishing events based on predefined conditions. In this next demonstration we are going to look at a particular cross-functional automated workflow for creating a task to review the blog page we’ve been working on. This demo will show you how this can be accomplished.

Demo 5 Cross-functional Automation

It’s often the case that we need to create review tasks within a Workfront project to review a final piece of creative. Rather than have the designer manually create a task in Workfront after the asset or webpage is ready for review. Why not trigger the review task from AEM when the content is ready. I’m going to walk through how we can use the connector to trigger the creation of a review task for a Blog Page from AEM. As you can see there is not currently a task in our Workfront project to review the Blog Page. Let’s jump over to AEM now and walk through how we can create this type of cross-functional automation.

I’ve created a simple AEM Workflow Model with two workflow steps that are included with the Connector when installed. You’ll see the first step is for creating the Workfront task. The next step in the model is the map property step. This step is used to write back AEM properties to the task custom form we attached in the previous step. In this example, I’ll be writing the AEM Sites Preview URL for our blog post page so the Workfront user can easily access the page for review.

Let’s jump over to our blog page in AEM and trigger a review task in Workfront.

Once on the page I can select the page information dropdown menu and select the “Start Workflow” button and then find my “Review Blog Post” workflow. Running this workflow should create the task in Workfront, attach a custom form, and also send a link to this page in the task custom form.

We’ll jump over to the Workfront project now to see that the task was created.

If we open the task and view the task details we’ll see a link to AEM blog page where a Workfront user can review and provide feedback in the task notes. As you can see there is a lot of flexibility in configuring cross-functional workflows and actions between Workfront and AEM by leveraging the AEM’s Workflow engine. You can also automatically trigger workflows by leveraging AEM Workflow Launchers when a specific condition is met. By using these features you can cut down on mundane and repetitive work often required of these software solutions.

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We’ve shown just five use cases today, but there are many more ways to leverage the tools. We’ve worked with many organizations connecting Adobe Experience Manager and Workfront using various features of the connector and in all cases we’ve seen improvement in operational efficiencies, a reduction in manual labor by eliminating the need for duplicating data entry between the two platforms, and an increase in content velocity through improved search and reuse.

A recommendation that we would make for organizations that are looking to combine the power of AEM and WF, is to find a trusted partner that understands both platforms and can lead you through the steps needed to make this connection successful. If you’re interested in learning more about some of the specific ways we’ve helped organizations you can find our Adobe Summit presentations on our website with IHG in 2021 and Lumen Technologies, formerly CenturyLink, in 2020 as well as the last Workfront Leap Conference we presented alongside Adobe for their marketing team.

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I'm going to turn things back over to Kim for questions.

Kim: All right thank you, Adam.  So we’ve had a number of questions submitted, but please don’t feel like you have to stop submitting questions at this point.  You can submit questions at any point in time. For anybody looking for our contact information you’ll see it right there at the bottom of your screen right now. 

So with that, Adam, I'm going to kick things off with our first question which is “I have an older version of AEM that is on premise.  Will this work for me or will I need to upgrade or move it to the cloud?” 

Adam: That’s a great question thanks Kim. So we work with a lot of partners that use the various deployment flavors of AEM and when we designed the connector, we knew that we needed to support it on some of the older versions. So the answer is yes the Workfront connector is supported on-premise. It’s supported if you’re using Adobe Managed Service for your AEM environment, and it will work on 6.4 and higher of any AEM version. So it will work in on-premise environment with 6.4 or higher and it even works with AEM as a cloud service as well. 

Kim: Alright, thank you. The next question we have is: we have other integrations with Workfront and AEM will this work with them or are they likely to be conflicting?

Adam: No.  Absolutely it will work with them.  We’ve actually designed the connector to be extensible. So we’ve relied on Experience Manager’s workflow engine to create a lot of this functionality so that we can integrate with other solutions as well. So we have many clients that have integrations with PIM systems or title management systems or maybe even with systems to support sales teAMS, like Salesforce, and one of the advantages of using the tool, is that we use a lot of AEM workflow steps to create this functionality. AEM workflow steps are really extensible, and they can be added to AEM workflow models, and they can be leveraged within other integrations. So the goal is to not just be the Workfront connector between Workfront and AEM, but to be able to use the same features when integrating with other solutions. So it’s definitely able and does not conflict with other integrations in your AEM or Workfront environments. 

Kim: Alright, thank you. The next question is: is there a plan to integrate the connector right into AEM itself?

Adam: I believe that there are discussions going on with that. So I'll table that question for now, and we will provide more details as more of that comes to light with the Adobe team, but as of right now, the answer is no.

Kim:  Alright, thank you. The next question is: I'm curious if we can use AEM’s workflow engine to hook into other parts of Workfront that weren’t shown today?

Adam: Absolutely. So again, going back to this idea of extensibility through workflow steps and workflow models, the idea is that if there are any features that we don’t already have available within the connector today, that we can easily build additional workflow steps that work in conjunction with the connector. So think of this as the AEM connector providing sort of that core functionality of syncing Assets metadata being able to do some of these tasks, like creating a review task (like we looked at today) or creating project link folders, but if there’s anything any business requirements or use cases that your organizations might have, where you want to have an additional step. Now, because we’ve created the framework around the workflow steps, we can create new workflow steps and embed them into your existing AEM workflows. An example of this we’ve done for some of our clients, is they often use AEM’s DAM update asset workflow model which sort of is responsible in most on-prem or AMS managed environments to handle a lot of the post-processing after an asset is ingested. So by doing this, we can add new steps to that DAM update asset workflow that may trigger actions that you haven’t seen today through the Workfront connector 

Kim: Alright. The next question is: is there a limit to how many versions you can have of a file?

Adam:  So I'll answer that question in two parts. On the Workfront side and on the AEM side. So to start in the Workfront side, as you saw in the demonstration today, you can add additional versions to an asset in a Workfront project.Then we’ve created some functionality in the connector that will update that version in AEM as well. So there is not a limit to the amount of versions. You can change that configuration setting in AEM. So in Workfront, I can add as many versions as I’d like to the existing asset, and then in AEM, there is a default configuration that you can increase the number of versions that you saved. So for performance considerations, we may not want to save, you know, hundreds of versions of an asset - especially if our creative teAMS are making minor adjustments, and there’s not really a business need to save those versions. You can limit the amount of versions that get saved in an environment but that is an adjustable configuration within the AEM environment as well. So it sort of depends and with each client, it’s a little different in determining the appropriate amount of versions to save. Technically speaking, we can configure those options so that you can save as many versions as you’d like.

Kim: Alright, thanks Adam. Next up: we have an on-premise AEM instance. During the demo I saw images pushed to AEM after changing a task status to complete automatically. Is it an AMS feature, and can it be implemented in on-premise instances, and how? 

Adam: Absolutely so on-premise instances and AMS instances. So if you’re having Adobe manage your environments or if your environments are self-hosted, all the features that I showed today are available in the connector. There are some considerations in terms of configuring your firewalls, so it’s often the case that when you are self-hosting your AEM environments, there may be additional layers in front of your AEM author instance. Many of our clients may have the AEM dispatcher in use in front of their author, and there may be additional uh caching layers or security layers. So there are some steps that you require to configure the firewall to ensure that the calls from Workfront and how AEM can handle that response back are allowed. But yes, all the features in here can be supported within a self-hosted on-premise instance or an Adobe Managed Service instance,

Kim: Thanks Adam. The next question is: how does this integration work with Adobe Creative Cloud materials?

Adam: So what we’ve done is create a bridge between Workfront and Adobe Creative Cloud by using the connector in conjunction with Adobe Asset link. So Adobe Asset link, if you’re not familiar, is an Adobe supported tool that allows you to view your AEM Assets repository directly within your Creative Cloud applications. Today, that’s supported with Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. So as a creative I can log into my Photoshop application, for example, and I can install a plugin called Adobe Asset Link, and assuming I have been given the proper permissions, I can access my entire AEM Assets repository in my Creative Cloud environment.

So one of the ways that we’ve integrated all three of these solutions together is through that bridge with the connector. So let’s say for example as a creative, I’ve been given a task to create some new imagery for the website. That task can be available through the Adobe Workfront plugin in Creative Cloud, and the creative can be notified of their task. They can start working on that piece of creative directly in Photoshop, and then they can upload it into that project link folder. So if we remember back to the first demonstration I gave today, that project link folder acts as our bridge. So that creatives now can stay within their Creative Cloud applications and, using Adobe Asset Link, upload directly into that project link folder. Then as a Workfront user, I can see that asset within my Workfront application. As an AEM user, I can see it within the AEM folder, and in Creative Cloud, I can see it within that Adobe Asset Link panel.

Kim: Alright, thank you Adam. For our attendees today, like I said earlier, we will be posting a version of this online. Once it’s live and available on-demand, we’ll send you a link in your email. You can share that with anybody or come back and reference any of the demos we did here today. So thank you all for your time and we hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

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